Study Measures


IPL-M The Instructional Practices Log in Mathematics is a daily teacher log designed to measure K-5 teachers’ enacted mathematics instruction focused on five dimensions including problem solving, math talk, connections, use of representations, and procedural instruction. The IPL-M validation paper is currently under review for publication. For more information about the IPL-M, contact Temple Walkowiak (

IPL-S The Instructional Practices Log in Science is a daily teacher log designed to measure K-5 teachers’ enacted science instruction focused on five dimensions including high-level sense-making, low-level sense-making, communication, basic practices, and integrated practices. The IPL-S validation paper is currently under review for publication. For more information about the IPL-S, contact Temple Walkowiak (

MSCAN  The Mathematics Scan (M-Scan) developed at the University of Virginia is an observational instrument that measures standards-based mathematics teaching practices by assessing the use of mathematical tasks, mathematics discourse, mathematical representations and mathematical coherence.

EQUIP The Electronic Quality of Inquiry Protocol (EQUIP) designed to measure the quality of inquiry instruction being facilitated in the classroom of K-12 science teachers. The instrument does not seek to measure all forms of quality instruction, only those that are inquiry-based in nature.


MKT-Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching Survey From the Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) Project from University of Michigan, these measures examine teacher’s knowledge for teaching mathematics in several content areas and teaching domains.

DTAMS  Diagnostic Teacher Assessment of Mathematics and Science (DTAMS), a tool that assesses both  teachers’ depth of conceptual knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and is used to concretely connect the frameworks. DTAMS items reflect different types of teacher content and pedagogical knowledge, including depths of content knowledge. Depth of knowledge measures three levels of cognitive difficulty: memorization, understanding, and problem solving/reasoning

MOSART  Misconception Oriented Standards-based Assessment Resource for Teachers (MOSART)  The MOSART assessment is designed  as a diagnostic tools to identify teachers’ strength and weaknesses across grade levels. The assessment items  measure the extent to which teachers and students have mastery of the K-12 NRC Content Standards and the AAAS Benchmarks in Physical Science and Earth and Space Science.


STEBI & MTEBI  The Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B), and the Math Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (MTEBI) measure science and math teaching self- efficacy and outcome expectancy in preservice elementary teachers.

MECS The Mathematics Experiences and Conceptions Surveys (MECS) is designed to understand the evolution of pre-service elementary teachers’ (PSTs) attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions towards mathematics teaching and learning.

TBEST  Developed by Horizon Research Inc., the Teacher Views About Science Instruction  questionnaire includes a series of 21 statements that asks teachers what they believe about effective science instruction.